Who is Cody?

Well that’s always a good question A short snippet of who I am would be, A father, Photographer, IT Professional, Gamer, Artist, and General lover of all things Outdoors. Check out my works and about section for a more in depth dive on what makes me tic.

Cody Puccini ISO



I am always seeking to find new, interesting and creative content. If you would like to see what I have been shooting lately check out the works tab, if you are interested in purchasing services or collaboration hit me up on my contact tab i would love to be a part of your project.


Gaming you say?

Why yes, you filthy little hobgoblin, grab your beer and come join me on a journey through time and space. Games have always been my favorite form of entertainment, RPGs RTS and Sandbox games are my bread and butter. I’ve just recently dove into the world of streaming, I stream every 1st and 3rd Saturday of the month. Check out the link below if you want to join in the fun.


Some Other Stuff To Check Out

“Out of the five hundred something things you do every day, chose one and make it a little bit better”


A lot of my content and Art is inspired by the desire to help and support others who struggle with depression, anxiety and the pressures of life as a single parent. Let’s get through all life throws at us together rather than Alone.


Life can make some unexpected turns Divorce, lost loved ones, changes in Careers or financial circumstances, or sometimes just feeling like there is no direction or purpose for you. This is a link to my “Journey” discord I would love to hear your story and create a likeminded community


I am planning the launch of new video content along with a Vlog it will be available on the site as well as YouTube and Instagram, so stay tuned my friends.